Saturday, November 24, 2007

Flowers of shame

A couple of weeks ago I committed to do the flowers for the Primary Sacrament meeting program. I ran it over in my head... "the Primary colours are one, two, three... red, yellow and blue". Perfect - I'd use that colour scheme. A lowrider for under the pulpit and two larger arrangements for elsewhere on the stand.
Friday night I set my alarm for 4:30am so I could visit the flower markets and get the goods.
Saturday morning rolls around. The alarm is sounding.. I went to bed way too late... it feels like a dagger in my side. I turn it off and decide to retreat to the sofa for just an "extra 10 minutes" before heading out the door. What was once 4:30 is suddenly 7:45am. The flower market closes at 8. Need to implement a backup plan.
Not a problem, the local supermarket has a great range of kinda hideous flowers :)
I become engrossed in the election count on TV and before I know it the supermarket is closed.

Game over?

Not a chance, the chapel has flowers in the gardens! So I roll up early and look for flowers, and look and look.... we're coming into summer, and they're mostly dead. In addition a lady stopped her car on the street and accused me of flower stealing.

This was the shameful result (note: they are not yellow flowers, rather almost dead):
For added effect, they were squirming with insects and I saw at least 2 crawling across the pulpit as the children delivered their parts.
I was so embarassed, and had to wait until everyone was gone before I removed them from the building.


Nortorious said...

Wait, are those your original pictures? They're gorgeous.
Just tell them you didn't want flowers because they'd distract from the beautiful children.

Kerry said...

Hmmm... not all my pictures 2 are, 2 arent. Can you guess?